My She Code Africa mentorship program progress in two weeks

My She Code Africa mentorship program progress in two weeks

It is said that "direction is more important than speed." When you embark on a journey of the unknown, you will need a guide at some point while on it. As a self-taught developer, I had this need for direction. I seemed lost most of the time. The developer community is quite helpful but you still need a 'go-to' person.

When She Code Africa announced her mentorship program for the cohort 4, I was elated. Just what I needed at the moment. I applied and was taken as a mentee on the JavaScript track. Toady marks the end of the second week of the mentorship program. This is an article on my progress so far since I joined the mentorship program.

Concepts learned

Listed below (not in a particular order) are the concepts I have been studying with clarity, since I joined the program.

  • Revised HTML and CSS

  • Revised GitHub

  • Understanding programming in general

  • Basic JavaScript

  • JavaScript Functions

  • JavaScript Operators

  • JavaScript Nullish coalescence operator

  • JavaScript Interaction: alert, prompt, confirm

  • JavaScript Data types

  • JavaScript Switch statement

  • JavaScript If/else statements

  • JavaScript Event listeners

And more...

Projects done

The Fylo dark theme page from frontendmentor

A clickable dropdown menu for small screen view


I am so excited at how far I have come these past two weeks of the program. It does pay to have a mentor pointing and encouraging you to do better. I am grateful to the She Code Africa community for this opportunity.